Independent hospitals continue to be incredibly important to the communities they serve, not only for the health and welfare of its citizens, but also due to the fact they create an economic ripple effect. On Sunday, October 30, 2022, Ralph A. Castillo, CPA, Chief...
Morgan Medical Center’s Hospital Authority, its nine-member governing body, welcomes the arrival of a new member and honors the departure of another. After 15 years of service, trustee Calvin Welch stepped down from the board in June. In July, Cindy Tingle became the...
Breast cancer screenings and mammograms remain essential in the fight against breast cancer. Sabrina Hodges, the patient financial services manager at Morgan Medical Center, strongly agrees thanks to her own personal experience. In early 2019, Morgan Medical Center...
In Breast Cancer 101 (Part 1), we covered breast cancer risk factors, prevention, and screening. We’ll now look at breast cancer symptoms, treatments, and new developments in breast cancer care. Discovering a change in your breasts can be unsettling, but acting on it...
Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer for women, trailing only skin cancer. But in spite of its commonality, there are 3.8 million breast cancer survivors living in the U.S., and survival rates have been improving steadily over the years. If you or a...