Routine Wellness Check-Ups for Women

Routine Wellness Check-Ups for Women

As we move through adulthood, routine wellness exams become increasingly important. Everyone should see their doctor for regular checkups, but each patient population faces different health risks. Here’s a look into why routine wellness visits matter for women. The...
Early Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Issues in Seniors

Early Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Issues in Seniors

Mental health issues can occur at any age but are particularly prevalent in older adults. More than 20% of adults aged 60 or older struggle with at least one mental or neurological disorder, the most common of which are dementia and depression. If you have an elderly...
When Is a Kidney Issue an Emergency?

When Is a Kidney Issue an Emergency?

Two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist, sit below the rib cage, one on each side of your spine. Each kidney may contain a million functioning units called nephrons that work day and night to remove waste from your body. As part of National Kidney Month,...
Patient Safety Tips During Your Hospital Stay

Patient Safety Tips During Your Hospital Stay

During your stay at Morgan Medical Center, we want to provide you with the best care possible. By following these steps, we can ensure a quick recovery and avoid potential safety errors. Prepare an Information Kit Even if you don’t plan to visit a hospital anytime...
Heart Health and Heart Disease 101

Heart Health and Heart Disease 101

The heart is arguably the most active organ in the body. It works nonstop to circulate blood, meanwhile maintaining a steady rhythm and controlling blood pressure. Unfortunately, the heart is also a common site for disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death...
The Basics of Cancer Prevention

The Basics of Cancer Prevention

Though a cancer diagnosis can come as a distressing surprise at any age, nearly 90–95% of cancer diseases develop due to environmental and lifestyle factors, which means they are often  preventable. Because we believe in integrative care to treat the whole person,...