Paul Courchaine, Butch Thompson, and Dr. Dan Zant were recently reappointed to the Morgan County Hospital Authority at the June meeting of the Morgan County Board of Commissioners to serve a 2-year term from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026. The Oath of Office swearing in was conducted by the Hospital Authority’s Lawyer, Richard Schmidt, at the July 25th meeting of the Authority.

Paul Courchaine

Paul Courchaine is the President of United Bank, Madison Division. He and his wife, Susan, reside in Commission District 1 and are members of the St. James Catholic Church in Madison. Paul is a member of the Rotary Club of Morgan County and has served 12 years on the Hospital Authority as its Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee.

Butch Thompson

Butch Thompson is an entrepreneur with extensive construction and business management experience and is an avid supporter and valued volunteer for the Madison Methodist Church. He and his wife, Kay, reside in Commission District 5 and are active in their church and community. Butch has served on the Hospital Authority for 12 years, currently serving as board Secretary and Chair of the Property and Equipment Committee. 

Dr. Dan Zant

Dr. Dan Zant is a board-certified physician at Madison Family Medicine and is the Chief of Staff at Morgan Medical Center. He and his wife, Laree, reside in Commission District 2 and are members of the United Methodist Church in Madison and both are actively involved in community activities. Dr. Zant has served 15 years on the Hospital Authority, serving as Chair of the Medical Executive Committee and Physician Recruitment Committee and is an active member of the Quality Improvement Committee.